
Peter Tilajčík (SK)

Actor and educator Peter Tilajčík focuses his work on productions based on authorial, movement, and performative principles. He explores the influence and relationship between various forms of art (music, photography, performance, puppetry, painting, sculpture, objects).

He is a graduate of the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, specializing in puppetry. He is a member of the Stoka Theater and H.R.H., and he has made guest appearances in several independent theaters (Nude Theater, Uhol_92, DPM, NoMantinels). He has participated in various theater festivals, including the Fringe Festival in New York, Přelet nad loutkářským hnízdem in Prague, Międzynarodowy Festiwal Szkoł Lalkarskich in Bialystok, International Theater Festival Divadelná Nitra, and Nová Dráma/New Drama. He has also taught at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava.

At JAMA 77, he will be part of a joint performance with Jana Kapelová. The performance What I see when you look through me explores the material essence, properties, and relational aspects of glass. Metaphorically, through short etudes in which the main characters are glass vessels manipulated by the performers, it speaks about transparency, unconditionality, openness, toxicity, affection, hardness, kindness, depth, habit, fear and hope.